School Discipline
Great stress is laid on making students well behaved and disciplined. It is mandatory for all students and staff to follow the laid down Code of conduct and. Conversation in English as much as possible, with minimal use of Hindi (unless specified) is also stressed. Students are explained with love, compassion and trust and counselled with sympathy and humane understanding for improvement in behavior. They are made to understand the significance of Rules so that they themselves would like to abide by them. We believe that imposed discipline in temporary whereas self-discipline is everlasting. The School’s Discipline Committee functions to handle matters judiciously and prudently in event of lapses.
Open Confession & Forgiveness:
Open confession of their guilt /mistakes or shortcomings is a way of life at Manas Sthali. Students admit their mistakes without fear or hesitation and asks for forgiveness. They vow not to repeat the mistake once committed and try their best to keep their promises. Parents and teachers notice a sea change in the behavior of children by practicing confession and forgiveness.